Post 8 "In my opinion"

FOTOS | Manifestación por muerte de Camilo Catrillanca termina en disturbios en Plaza Italia

What is your opinion about climate change?

Talking about climate change is talk about our next great challenge as humanity, 
today we can see this topic on Tv, Internet, Newspaper, in every mass media and the reason is
a "Shock Therapy" that is needed in people, we need to learn that in order to combat climate change, something more than recycling is necessary, it is to change our whole way of life and on the other hand, to demand from the authorities and above all from the transnationals and all the great pieces of this topic to be regulated under the same rules and that is a way to think and live beyond the money and the utilitarianism and materialism.

What is your opinion the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I think it should be legalized in all cases, we should act like a civilized society and that is a society without prejudices of any kind, a state separated of religion, we have been delayed many times because of "moral norms imposed by a few"

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?

In my opinion, it should be legalized not only marijuana but all the other drugs because the real problem is not about who uses the drugs, the point is about work about those factors like social risks, inform about the consequences of the uses of any kind of drugs, including the "legal drugs", all this done since the early childhood and primary school. 

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

Finally, the most important question in my opinion...
In few words: Thieves, murderers and liars...
Since Sebastian Piñera reach to "La Moneda" we live in a climate of social uncertainty, the case of Camilo Catrillanca is a example of this, ineffectiveness, corruption and lies in the first version about what happened and finally impunity because this will continue happening, we have a genocidal state of the Mapuche people.
"Tiempos Mejores"?  unemployment continues to grow... 
Finally i would like to mention a story i read a short time ago and is that Piñera condoned a multimillion-dollar debt to businessmen all this in contrast to the historical demand for the cancellation of the debt of the CAE, beatiful contrasts.


  1. Chilean politics stands out for its double standard, hypocrisy and lies, what we live today, is only a recurring sample of it.

  2. I'm sincerely giving up about thinking which political system/politics is the most proper for us. I think these days corruption and lies are unavoidable in this tainted world (it actually sounds very depressing haha).

  3. I think the same, abortion should be legal in all cases.

  4. When I read you, I realized that you have a close relationship about marijuana...

  5. I share your opinion about abortion, abortion would be legalized in all cases, I like that kind of thoughts about society


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